We are proud of our transparency. Some of our competitors use tactics of providing as little detail about themselves as possible, to appear larger or more credible than they are. we are confident in ourselves and our abilities, and view it as a strength to share as much information about ourselves as we can. There are numerous resources you can use to make sure we are who we say we are.

Why Choose TDRSS?

TDRSS has become even more important in recent years, as more and more low quality items are hitting the market. The industry is being flooded with hyped products that do not perform as they should, and fierce competition is making it more important to be early to market than to put in proper development time. Through this chaotic process, the end user needs a skilled advocate to help identify true quality.

Just as important to product line selection, is what we do with those products. We have carefully crafted each of our processes to generate self-feedback. Every support ticket opened, every RMA item, and every repaired computer is brought to the attention of all departments further up the line. We hold weekly feedback meetings, where every issue that needs it is discussed. It is very important to us that we not only set up firm feedback cycles, but that we establish clear lines of accountability.